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Spider Exterminator

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Spider Exterminator

For many people, the mere presence of spiders invokes an immediate sense of unease. Whether you're concerned about bites, webs around your property, or simply the surprise of finding a spider in an unexpected spot, Rosenbloom Pest Control has developed a profound expertise in managing and eliminating these pests from your homes and businesses.

Our region is home to a range of species. Some of the most common include the American house, jumping, the orb-weaver, and the infamous black widow and brown recluse. While the majority of spiders in the area are harmless and do not pose any serious threats to humans, it is still essential to recognize those that can be potentially dangerous.

The black widow, recognized by its glossy black body and the red hourglass shape on its underside, packs a venomous bite that can cause severe pain, muscle aches, and, in some rare instances, more serious health complications.  Similarly, the brown recluse, identified by its violin-shaped marking, can cause significant skin damage if it bites. Its venom can lead to necrotic wounds, which can take a long time to heal and may leave scars.  

Spiders are, undeniably, fascinating creatures. Did you know that they all produce silk, but not all create webs? Or that some, like the jumping spider, have some of the best vision in the arachnid world? The male black widow rarely ever gets bitten by the female after mating, contrary to popular belief. These tidbits might make for great trivia night material, but when you find them in your living spaces, the charm quickly fades.

It's common for homeowners to try their hand at resolving an issue on their own. Over-the-counter sprays, glue traps, essential oils, and even concoctions like vinegar and water have all been popularized as DIY remedies. However, these solutions can be temporary, ineffective, and sometimes even counterproductive.

  • Over-the-counter sprays: These might kill some on contact, but they don't address the cause of the infestation or deter others from entering your property.

  • Glue traps: While these might catch a few, they can also trap beneficial insects or even small pets.

  • Essential oils and homemade mixtures: Not only are their efficacy debated, but they also need frequent applications, which can be tedious and, over time, more expensive than professional treatment.

Attempting DIY control can be frustrating, time-consuming, and costly in the long run. It also poses the risk of allowing potentially dangerous spiders to continue to thrive in your living spaces.

When it comes to effective management, professional intervention is key. At Rosenbloom Pest Control, we understand the species unique to the Baltimore area, their habits, habitats, and the best methods to eliminate them. We also prioritize the safety and well-being of your family and pets.

Our approach goes beyond merely addressing the symptoms (visible spiders and webs). We tackle the root of the problem, ensuring that conditions are unfavorable for them thrive. By sealing entry points, addressing potential food sources, and using proven treatment methods, we ensure that your woes are dealt with comprehensively.

Frequently Asked Spider Questions

Q1: I've noticed more during a particular time of year. Is there a 'spider season' in the Baltimore area?

A1: The Baltimore area does experience seasonal fluctuations. Many homeowners see an increase in sightings during late summer and early fall. This phenomenon is often due to male spiders venturing out in search of a mate. While they are present year-round, their indoor visibility can peak during these months.

Additionally, as temperatures begin to drop, some seek the warmth and shelter homes offer. Rosenbloom Pest Control can help you prepare for these seasonal shifts and keep your home spider-free year-round.


Q2: Why do I often find them in my bathtub or sink?

A2: They are constantly exploring their surroundings in search of food. Sinks and bathtubs, with their smooth and slippery surfaces, can become unintentional traps for these arachnids. Once a spider slips in, it can find it challenging to climb out due to the steep, slick sides. Contrary to belief, they're not coming through the drains but are often ground dwellers that accidentally wander into these predicaments. Regularly checking these areas and ensuring there aren't small insects attracting them can reduce these incidents.  

Q3: I've found a spider, but it doesn't match any commonly known species in my area. Should I be concerned?

A3: Nature is incredibly diverse, and there are thousands of species globally. While our area has its common species, it's entirely possible to encounter one that isn't frequently mentioned in local guides. If you come across an unfamiliar spider, it's crucial not to jump to conclusions or make assumptions about its harm level. Instead, capture it safely, if possible, and contact us. Our team of experts can help identify it and advise on any necessary actions. Remember, many are harmless, and a rare find might just be a curious visitor to the region.

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